Midweek Meetup: Week of July 17

Jul 17, 2024

Verse of the Day: 

“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name;

    make known among the nations what he has done.

Sing to him, sing praise to him;

    tell of all his wonderful acts.” (1 Chronicles 16:8-9)

Jesus, Give me chances to make You known to the people around us. Lead me to opportunities to praise Your Name, and give me the confidence to do it.  And especially this week, as our church hosts our Vacation Bible School for children in our church and community, let Your name be praised above all else. Amen.

It’s all about VBS this week!  Here goes—

Meeting Jesus ~ We’ve said it (again and again ), but all the great donating and decorating you’ve been doing are wasted if kids don’t come. Spread the word.  Invite neighbors, family members, and friends. Maybe offer to give the kids a ride.  Post a flyer or share a post on social media.  Let’s make this the best VBS ever.

Meeting Friends ~ As friends and church family, you’ve been meeting for weeks to prepare.  A huge thank you to Marilyn Chambers, Becci Lease, Sara Holt, Jerry Chambers, Kristen Elwood, Carol Jarvis, Denise Root, Jeanne Brittain, Riley Brittain, Josilyn Claborn, Greg Holt, Aimee Hill, Calvin Hill, Abigail Hill, Sandy Petramala, Hollis Goodwin, and EVERYONE who has brought supply donations. A special thanks to Kenny Root and Greg Holt for fixing the fencing around the playground. We want the church to look its best next week.  Thank you!

Sharing Hope ~ We’ll commission our Station Leaders, Crew Leaders, and other volunteers in worship this Sunday, July 21, so please join us.  We’re also very grateful to welcome Emma Bryant (aka Laurie from Picketwire’s production of Oklahoma) to sing “The Lord’s Prayer.”