Midweek Meetup: Week of August 7th

Aug 7, 2024

Verse of the Day: 

“Say among the nations, “The LORD is king! The world is firmly established; it shall never be moved. He will judge the peoples with equity.”(Psalm 96:10)

Jesus, You are King. No one else. Make sure we remember that You rule over our nation and our world always. Amen.

Meeting Jesus ~ Our plans for Adult Spiritual Growth Groups are shaping up for the fall. Don Klinkerman will be back with his Monday Bible studies in September, and Dude Club will resume. Our monthly small group ministry Tables returns October 6, and we’ll be offering several new classes on Sunday mornings. Our goal is 100% participation in small group ministry. 

Meeting Friends ~ Invite your friends this week as we offer up our Back to School Blessings in worship at 10 a.m.  Students, teachers, and school staff are all invited to bring your backpacks and bags for a blessing.  We want to honor all of you and your ministry in our community.

Sharing Hope ~ Our church is “adopting” classrooms this year at our La Junta Primary and Intermediate Schools. We offer some financial assistance for classroom supplies, and we also make ourselves available to volunteer in the classrooms. Above all, we commit to praying for the teachers, students, families, and staff.  If you are available during the day to volunteer as needed, please let Pastor MJ know