Midweek Meetup: Week of September 18th

Sep 18, 2024

Verse of the Day:     

“I have strayed like a lost sheep.  

Seek your servant,

for I have not forgotten your commands.” (Psalm 119:176)

Father God, In the things we think, say and do, we often fail to honor You. We stray like lost sheep, but You seek us out. You find us and bring us home. Help us live gratefully and joyfully with You always. Thank You. Amen.

Meeting Jesus ~ Have you decided to follow Jesus?  Anyone who wishes to join the church, be baptized (yourself or your children), or renew your baptism, you’re invited to gather on September 29 with Pastor MJ in the Church Library. We’ll join the confirmands for their reception, then head upstairs to meet.

Meeting Friends ~ In worship this Sunday, we celebrate the gift of Christian friendship, as we celebrate the second of the three parts of our mission: to meet friends. With scripture from Matthew 10, and special music from guests Kate Pruyn and Kaydence Salazar.  We’ll have sign ups for our fall Tables small group ministry which we created for the purpose of (you guessed it) building friendships.

Sharing Hope ~  We are looking for volunteers who are able to visit and read stories in our adopted classrooms in the month of October. Our support of schools is tangible expression of our faith in Jesus and desire to spread His love and hope in the community. Please see Pastor MJ if you are interested and available to help.