Midweek Meetup: Week of April 24

Apr 24, 2024

Verse of the Day: “Peter declared, ‘Even if all fall away, I will not.’” (Mark 14:29)

Jesus, We know that Peter could not live up to his commitment and denied You three times. Help us not do the same.  By what we say and do, let us declare Your name.  We pray in You, Amen.

Meeting Jesus ~ We could not be more excited to celebrate this Graduation Sunday, as we welcome La Junta High School graduating senior David Mackey to the pulpit. We’ll also honor Wyatt Jones, Ian Martinez, and Jansen Ediger.  A reception will follow immediately after worship.

A note of encouragement:  It is a busy time of year. Still, we took a vow when these youth were baptized, “to nurture and support, by word and deed, with love and prayer, encouraging them to know and follow Christ.” One simple, meaningful way we can do that is simply by showing up this Sunday to honor them. Please do all you can to make it your top priority. 

Meeting Friends ~ Join us for “Momosas and Canvases,” a fundraiser to help our kids go to Summer Camp. Bring your mom, grandma or friend for an afternoon of non-alcoholic drinks and painting led by artist and art teacher Kirk Shiflett.  Let us know you’re coming by calling (719-384-2852) or emailing (office@firstchurchlajunta.org) the Church Office. The cost is $10.

Sharing Hope ~ “Whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me,” taught Jesus. Our Deacons Fund assists members of the church family, as well as the community at large, in times of financial need. We want to thank Kristen Elwood for joining Melanie Jones to administer this fund. You can give to it any time using our online giving tool, or drop a check in the giving bucket with “Deacons Fund” on the note line.