Midweek Meetup: Week of September 11th

Sep 11, 2024

Verse of the Day:  “And Joshua’s spies said to Rahab, “Our life for yours even to death! If you do not tell this business of ours, then when the Lord gives us the land we will deal kindly and faithfully with you” (Joshua 2:14)

Jesus, You bring the most unexpected people into our lives to bless us. Keep our minds open to surprises and our hearts ready to recognize You each day.  Amen.

Meeting Jesus ~  We had a marvelous first night of Junction Kids, our Wednesday after school ministry to PreK-5th graders, with several new families joining us. Yea God!  Pastor MJ sends a big thank you to Aricka, Marilyn, Aimee, and Abby for their leadership.  We still have space for a few more kids, so please contact the Church Office or Pastor MJ directly for late registrations.

Meeting Friends ~ Beginning Sunday, October 6, Tables is our small group ministry, meeting once monthly (typically on the first Sunday of the month) in members’ homes for a meal, scripture reading, discussion and prayer.  We spend this year of Tables with Jesus in the Gospel of Mark, where we discover again the kingdom of God and its upside-down values. Sign ups are available in the church foyer. We encourage you to invite friends and family members to these fun and meaningful gatherings.

Sharing Hope ~ Everyone is invited to the “Comforter Blitz” at Emmanuel Mennonite Church on Saturday, September 21, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., as they spend the day tying knots for comforters then will travel around the world with the Mennonite Central Committee. See Sara Holt to learn more.