Midweek Meetup: Week of January 30
Verse of the Day~
“While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message…Then Peter said, “Surely no one can stand in the way of their being baptized with water. They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have.” (Acts 10:44, 47)
Jesus, I don’t ever want to even try to stand in the way of the Holy Spirit and how He is moving in my life. Give me insight to know what the Spirit is moving and courage to let myself be changed. Amen.
Meeting Jesus ~ Are you feeling called to be baptized, join the church, or both? On Sunday, February 16, after worship, we will host a meeting for anyone feeling moved to make this commitment.
Meeting Friends ~ The deadline for youth (7th-12th grade) to register for Winter Camp is fast approaching. Register at https://pueblopresbytery.org/summercamp2021. We’re asking youth and families to pay at least a portion of the cost. The church will scholarship the rest. Use the scholarship code HIGHLANDS if the church is scholarshiping any part of the registration.
Sharing Hope ~ We’re looking for just 1 or 2 more people for the summer adult mission trip to southern Mexico, June 22-28, 2025, to build water cisterns. The cost is $750 per person for lodging and food, but the church is able to help with funding. Please contact the Church Office with your interest.
This week @ First Church:
Worship Team meeting tonight @ 6:30 p.m.
Girl Scouts, Friday @ 11 a.m.