In this season of Lent, we’re challenged to walk  with Jesus to Jerusalem and then the Via Dolorosa. Just walk 4000 steps per day from  Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday, and at least 1970 steps each day of Holy Week. We’ll record our steps together on Sunday mornings.

Ash Wednesday, March 5
Find us on YouTube or Facebook for an online devotional to begin the season of Lent

Sundays in Worship
In person or online at

March 9  Luke 9:51-62
“He set his face to Jerusalem”

March 16  Luke 12:1-12  
Warnings on hypocrisy

March 23  Luke 14:15-24
Parable of the great banquet

March 30  Luke 16:19-31  
The rich man and Lazarus

April 6Luke 18:35-43  
Healing of the blind beggar

Community Worship
Friday, March 28, at 6 p.m.
Join with Brothers and Sisters in Christ from the community for worship and a soup supper.

Palm Sunday, April 13
With our traditional palm parade

Good Friday, April 18
“Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley” …and we’ll walk it with Him
Join us for a buffet-style dinner any time from 6-7 p.m.,
with worship at 7 p.m.

Prayer Vigil
Friday night to Sunday morning
Sign up for a 1-2 hour time slot.

Holy Saturday, April 19
Join Us for a Prayer Walk
at Vogel Canyon @ 9 a.m.